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We operate a fairly structured session at the Grove pre-school, which is also flexible, allowing for in the moment activities (from children’s interests) and to be extended for visitors to contribute to the group e.g. the road safety officer, wildlife visitors and topical visitors and for the children to give ideas and suggest things they would like to do. 


Our day begins at 8.30, all children have their own peg where they hang their coat up and collect their self registration card. Parents sign in their children at the trolley in reception. After that, the children enter the main room and put their self registration card onto the name board. The children then wash their hands in the bathroom prior to going to play. 


Generally, we do group time after registration, in which we sing our ‘good morning’ song, and “Days of the Week” and wish each other a ‘good morning’. We look at the weather chart, and sometimes shapes, numbers, memory game, sing songs etc and then discuss what’s happening that day. We use Makaton signs and our visual timetable to show the children what is happening and when.


We then have an hour of structured and free play/choice activities such as messy play, loose parts play, painting, sand play, water play, craft work, jigsaws, building equipment, cars, trains, home corner, play dough, drawing, colouring, construction toys etc, based around the curriculum theme or topic for that term.  All our activities are ‘free flow’ i.e. the children play indoors and outdoors, extending experiences for the children. However in inclement weather we may have to stay indoors for the session.


Snack-time is around 10.30am.  Children are encouraged to go to the toilet and all must wash their hands in the bathroom (N.B they are allowed to use the toilet at anytime throughout the session.). The children collect their own snack and water bottle and sit down at tables with their friends to enjoy their healthy snack and socialise.  


After snack-time, we have a ‘physical’ time with climbing equipment, tunnels, rockers, balance bikes or playing active games etc. 


Lunch time will be around 1pm. Parents provide a healthy packed lunch for those who are attending for the extended hours. 


Home time:    11.30am for those children who are not staying for the extended hours

                        3pm for those children who are staying, as arranged, for the extended hours (11.30am for                                        everyone on a Friday)


Children line up at the door ready to be collected. No child leaves the pre-school until their parent or the person appointed to collect them has arrived. The pre-school staff will supervise this procedure. The children will be passed to parents from from our main doors or the garden. 







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